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  1. This BBS supports Cookie. After first posting, Name, E-mail, URL and Cipher key will be filled automatically from second time. (Browser must support Cookie)
  2. Can upload a binary file as picture file etc.
    • Available file types to attach : GIF, JPEG, PNG, TEXT, LHA, ZIP, PDF, MIDI, WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT, RM, RAM, MPEG, MP3
    • Max data capacity : 2057KB
    • If size over width 300 pixels and height 150 pixels, the image will zoom out.
  3. Cannot post HTML tug.
  4. Mandatories are Name and Message. E-mail, URL, Subject and Cipher key are optional.
  5. Please do not use half-width KATAKANA, otherwise may cause garble.
  6. If input password(less than 8 characters) in Cipher key item when posting, the message can be deleted with the Cipher key any time.
  7. Max message capacity is 300. If over, old messages will be deleted in order.
  8. Can make responses to existing messages by clicking Response button at the top of a message.
  9. Can search text with Keyword by clicking Find in top menu.
  10. Detriments and defamations may be deleted according to administrator's judgment witout any warnings.