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gooに引用される 投稿者:Hiro 投稿日:2006/03/16(Thu) 18:36 No.152  



LDとEnronの関係1 投稿者:Hiro 投稿日:2006/03/15(Wed) 20:22 No.151  

At Enron, the Fall Came Quickly
Complexity, Partnerships Kept Problems From Public View
By Steven Pearlstein and Peter Behr
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, December 2, 2001; Page A01
スチーブン、パリステイン  ピター、ベアー
ワシントンポスト 記者
Only a year ago, Ken Lay might have been excused for feeling on top of the world.
The company he founded 15 years before on the foundation of a sleepy Houston gas pipeline company had grown into a $100 billion-a-year behemoth, No. 7 on Fortune's list of the 500 largest corporations, passing the likes of International Business Machines Corp. and AT&T Corp. The stock market valued Enron Corp.'s shares at nearly $48 billion, and it would add another $15 billion before year-end.


Enron owned power companies in India, China and the Philippines, a water company in Britain, pulp mills in Canada and gas pipelines across North America and South America. But those things were ancillary to the high-powered trading rooms in a gleaming seven-story building in Houston that made it the leading middleman in nationwide sales of electricity and natural gas. It was primed to do the same for fiber-optic cable, TV advertising time, wood pulp and steel. Enron's rise coincided with a stock market boom that made everyone less likely to question a company if it had "Internet" and "new" in its business plan.


And, to top it off, Lay's good friend, Texas Gov. George W. Bush, on whom he and his family had lavished $2 million in political contributions, had just been elected president of the United States.


Enron intended to become "the World's Greatest Company," announced a sign in the lobby of its Houston headquarters. Lay was widely hailed as a visionary.


A year later, Lay's empire, and his reputation, are a shambles. Enron's stock is now virtually worthless. Many of its most prized assets have been pledged to banks and other creditors to pay some of its estimated $40 billion debt. Company lawyers are preparing a bankruptcy court filing that is expected to come as soon as this week and may be the biggest and most complex ever. Most of Enron's trading customers have gone elsewhere.

1年後、レイ氏の帝国、評判は修羅場となっている。エンロン株は事実上価値が無くなっている。最も評価されていた財産は銀行や債権者に400億ドルにも及ぶ負債の支払の為に質に取られている。会社の弁護士達は早ければ今週にも、過去最大で最も複雑な破産訴訟の準備をしている。 殆どのエンロンの取引相手は既に姿を消している。

Retirement Losses

The company's 21,000 employees have lost much of their retirement savings because their pension accounts were stuffed with now-worthless Enron stock, and many expect to lose their jobs as well this coming week. Some of the nation's biggest mutual-fund companies, including Alliance Capital, Janus, Putnam and Fidelity, have lost billions of dollars in value.

会社の21,000人従業員は退職引当金の殆どを失う事に成る、なぜなら彼らの年金口座は今や価値の無いエンロンの株式で充当されているからで多くの人はこの週にも職を失う事になるであろう。アメリカ合衆国の著名な相互資本会社の、アライアンス キャピタル、ジャナス、プトラムそしてフィディリティ各社は莫大な損害を被ったと思われる。

Meanwhile, the Securities and Exchange Commission, headed by a Bush appointee, is investigating the company and its outside auditors at Arthur Andersen, while the House and Senate energy committees plan hearings.

ところで、ブシュ大統領に任命された者が代表者となる米国証券取引委員会やオーサー アンダーソン社の社外会計士らは会社を査察調査している、一方、上院エネルギィー委員会は公聴会を開くことを計画している。

It will take months or years to definitively answer the myriad questions raised by Enron's implosion. Why did it happen, and why so quickly? What did Enron's blue-chip board of directors and auditors know of the financial shenanigans that triggered the company's fall when hints of them became public six weeks ago? Should government regulators have been more vigilant?

エンロンの内部崩壊による無数の問題を明確に答えるには数ヶ月、いや、1年以上かかかるでしょう。どうしてこの様な事が起きたのか?どうしてこんなにも急速に?エンロンの有能な重役や会計監査人達は会社の崩壊の引き金となった6週間前に公表されその兆しを見せていた財政粉飾を知っていたのに何をしていたのか? 政府の監督部署はもっと注意深く監視すべきではなかったか?

Even now, however, it is clear that Enron was ruined by bad luck, poor investment decisions, negligible government oversight and an arrogance that led many in the company to believe that they were unstoppable.


By this fall, a recession, the dot-com crash and depressed energy prices had taken a heavy toll on the company's financial strength. The decline finally forced the company to reveal that it had simply made too many bad investments, taken on too much debt, assumed too much risk from its trading partners and hidden much of it from the public.


Such sudden falls from great heights recur in financial markets. In the late 1980s, its was junk-bond king Drexel Burnham Lambert. In the 1990s, it was Long Term Capital Management, the giant hedge fund. Like Enron, Drexel and Long Term Capital helped create and dominate new markets designed to help businesses and investors better manage their financial risks. And, like Enron, both were done in by failing to see the risks that they themselves had taken on.


It was in the trading rooms where Enron's big profits were made and the full extent of its ambitions were revealed.

莫大は利益が創造されたのはエンロンの取引運用室だった。 更なる拡張の野望が明らかにされた。

Early on, the contracts were relatively simple and related to its original pipeline business: a promise to deliver so many cubic feet of gas to a fertilizer factory on a particular day at a particular price. But it saw the possibilities for far more in the deregulation of electric power markets, which would allow new generating plants running on cheap natural gas to compete with utilities. Lay and Enron lobbied aggressively to make it happen. After deregulation, independent power plants and utilities and industries turned to Enron for contracts to deliver the new electricity.


The essential idea was hardly new. But unlike traditional commodity exchanges, such as the Chicago Board of Trade and the New York Mercantile Exchange, Enron was not merely a broker for the deals, putting together buyers and sellers and taking transaction fees. In many cases, Enron entered the contract with the seller and signed a contract with the buyer. Enron made its money on the difference in the two prices, which were never posted in any newspaper or on any Web site, or even made available to the buyers and sellers. Enron alone set them.


By keeping its trading book secret, Enron was able to develop a feel for the market. And virtually none of its activity came under federal regulation because Enron and other power marketers were exempted from oversight in 1992 by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission -- then headed by Wendy Gramm, who is now an Enron board member.


Because it was first in the marketplace and had more products than anyone else, "Enron was the seller to every buyer and the buyer to every seller," said Philip K. Verleger Jr., a California energy economist.

その理由はこの市場において初めてであったので他よりより多くの結果をもたらした、"エンロンは全ての買い手に対しての売り手であり、全ての売り手に対しての買い手でもあった"と、カリフォニアのエネルギィーエコノミスト フィリップ、バルレガージュニアー氏は述べている。

The contracts became increasingly varied and complex. Enron allowed customers to insure themselves against all sorts of eventualities -- a rise and fall in prices or interest rates, a change in the weather, the inability of a customer to pay. By the end, the volume in the financial contracts reached 15 to 20 times the volume of the contracts to actually deliver gas or electricity. And Enron was employing a small army of PhDs in mathematics, physics and economics -- even a former astronaut -- to help manage its risk, backed by computer systems that executives once claimed would take $100 million to replicate.


Dominant Energy Supplier

Enron was so dominant -- it was responsible for one-quarter of the gas and electricity traded in the United States -- that it became a prime target for California officials seeking culprits for the energy price shocks last year and this. It was an image Enron didn't improve by publicly rebuffing a state legislative subpoena for its trading records. taking on itself, and how much it was laying off on other parties, was never revealed. Verleger said last week that Enron once had one of the best risk-disclosure statements in the energy industry.


But once the financial contracts began to outpace the basic energy contracts, the statements, he said, suddenly became more opaque. "It was, 'Trust us. We know what we're doing,' " he said.


None of that, however, was of much concern to investors and lenders, who saw Enron as the vanguard of a new industry. New sales and earnings justified an even higher stock price, still more borrowing and more investment.


By 1997, however, after lenders began to express concern about the extent of Enron's indebtedness, chief financial officer Andrew Fastow developed a strategy to move some of the company's assets and debts to separate private partnerships, which would engage in trades with Enron. Fastow became the manager of some of the largest partnerships, with approval of the audit committee of Enron's board.


Enron's description of the partnerships were, at best, baffling: "share settled costless collar arrangements," and "derivative instruments which eliminate the contingent nature of existing restricted forward contracts." More significantly, Enron's financial obligations to the partnerships if things turned sour were not explained.

エンロンの共同関係者についての記述は、全く困惑させるものであった、"株価を維持する為、際限なく困難な調整資金が使われた"又、"デリバティブ手法で制限を受けている次の契約に付随して起こる本質的問題を解消す為にも資金が使われた。" 最も重要な事は、エンロンの共同関係者に対する財務的義務であるが、環境が悪化した場合の説明は無かった。 

When Enron released its year-end financial statements for 2000, questions about the partnerships were raised by James Chanos, an investor who had placed a large bet that Enron stock would decline in the ensuing months. Such investors, known as short sellers, often try to "talk down" a stock, and Enron executives dismissed Chanos's questions as nothing more than that.


On Oct. 16, however, it became clear that Chanos was onto something. On that day, Enron reported a $638 million loss for the third quarter and reduced the value of the company's equity by $1.2 billion. Some of that was related to losses suffered by the partnerships, in which Enron had hidden investment losses in a troubled water-management division, a fiber-optic network and a bankrupt telecommunications firm. The statement also revealed that the promises made to the partnerships to guarantee the value of their assets could wind up costing $3 billion.


LDとEnronの関係2 投稿者:Hiro 投稿日:2006/03/15(Wed) 20:16 No.150  
Within a week, as Enron stock plummeted, Fastow was ousted and the Securities and Exchange Commission began an inquiry. Then, on Nov. 8, bad turned to worse when Enron announced it was revising financial statements to reduce earnings by $586 million over the past four years, in large part to reflect losses at the partnerships. It was also disclosed that Fastow made $30 million in fees and profits from his involvement with the outside partnerships.


The last straw was Enron's admission that it faced an immediate payment of $690 million in debt -- catching credit analysts by surprise -- with $6 billion more due within a year. Fearful that they wouldn't get paid for electricity and gas they sold to Enron, energy companies began scaling back their trading.


Desperate to salvage some future for the company, Lay agreed to sell Enron to crosstown rival Dynegy Inc. for $10 billion in stock. Perhaps more important, Dynegy agreed to assume $13 billion of Enron's debts and to inject $1.5 billion in cash to reassure customers and lenders and to keep its operations going. But when Dynegy officials got a closer look at Enron's books during Thanksgiving week, it found that the problems were far worse than they had imagined. They decided the best deal was no deal.


"The story of Enron is the story of unmitigated pride and arrogance," said Jeffrey Pfeffer, a professor of organized behavior at Stanford Business School who has followed the company in recent months. "My impression is that they thought they knew everything, which [is] always the fatal flaw. No one knows everything."

"エンロンの物語は妥協出来ないプライドと横柄さの物語"だと、スタンダード ビジネス スクールの組織行動学の教授で数ヶ月前にエンロンに加わっていたジェフリー、プフェファー氏は述べている。"私の感想では彼らは全てを重要な欠陥が有るのを承知の上で行っている、誰も詳細は解らない。"

As harsh as it is, that view is shared by many in the energy industry: customers and competitors, stock analysts who cover the company and politicians and regulators in Washington and state capitals. In their telling, Enron officials were bombastic, secretive, boastful, inflexible, lacking in candor and contemptuous of anyone who didn't agree with their philosophy and acknowledge their preeminence.


Last month, sitting in the lobby of New York's Waldorf-Astoria hotel, Lay seemed to acknowledge that pride may have been a factor in the company's fall. "I just want to say it was only a few people at Enron that were cocky," he said.


Lay declined to name them, but most would put Jeffrey Skilling at the top of the list. Lay tapped Skilling, a whiz kid with the blue-chip ccolor="#400040">onsulting firm of McKinsey & Co. and the architect of Enron's trading business, to succeed him as chief executive in February. レイ氏は彼らの名前を挙げるのを差し控えたが、多くの人は、ジェフリー、スキリング氏を筆頭に挙げるだろう。レイ氏はスキリング氏を若手の秀才して優良株コンサルタント会社のマッキンジー社に紹介し、2月にエンロンの営業方針構築者の最高幹部とした。

Shortly after taking over the top spot, Skilling appeared at a conference of analysts and investors in San Francisco and lectured the assembled on how Enron's stock, then at record levels, was undervalued nonetheless because it did not recognize the company's broadband network, worth $29 billion, or an extra $37 a share.


Skilling loved nothing more than to mock executives from old-line gas and electric utilities or companies that still bought paper from golf-playing salesmen rather than on EnronOnline.


Skilling once called a stock analyst an expletive for questioning Enron's policy of refusing to release an update of its balance sheet with its quarterly earnings announcement, as nearly every other public corporation does.


Skilling Resigns

In August, after Enron's stock had fallen by half, Skilling resigned as chief executive after six months on the job, citing personal reasons.


As for Lay, some question how much he really understood about the accounting ins and out. When asked about the partnerships by a reporter in August, he begged off, saying, "You're getting way over my head."


Lynn Turner, who recently resigned as chief accountant at the Securities and Exchange Commission, said Enron's original financial statements for the past three years involve clear-cut errors under SEC rules that had to have been known to Enron's auditors at Arthur Andersen.


Turner, now director of the Center for Quality Financial Reporting at Colorado State University, said that based on information now reported by the company, he believes the auditors knew the real story about the partnerships but declined to force the company to account for them correctly.


Why? "One has to wonder if a million bucks a week didn't play a role," Turner said. He was referring to the $52 million a year in fees Andersen received last year from Enron, its second-largest account, divided almost equally between auditing work and consulting services.


Anderson spokesman David Talbot recently described the problems with Enron's books as "an unfortunate situation."


If Enron's auditors failed investors, the same might be said for its board of directors -- and, in particular, the members of the audit committee that is charged with reviewing the company's financial statements. The committee is headed by Robert Jaedicke, a former dean of the Stanford University business school and the author of several accounting textbooks. Members include Paulo      Ferrz Pereira, former president of the State Bank of Rio de Janeiro; John Wakeham, former head of the British House of Lords who headed a British accounting firm; and Gramm, the former Commodity Futures Trading Commission chairman.


Wakeham received $72,000 last year from Enron, in addition to his director's fee, for consulting advice to the company's European trading office, according to Enron's annual proxy statement. And Enron has contributed to the center at George Mason University, where Gramm heads the regulatory studies program.


Charles O'Reilly, a Stanford University business school professor, said that while such donations rarely "buy" the cooperation of directors, they do indicate the problem when chief executives and directors develop a "pattern of reciprocity" in which they do favors for each other and gradually become reluctant to rock the boat, particularly on complex accounting matters.


"Boards of directors want to give favorable interpretation to events, so even when they are nervous about something, they are reluctant to make a stink," O'Reilly said. "取締委員会は好意的態度を示し、いやな問題が表面化するのを嫌い神経質になった。"と、オレイリィ氏は述べている。

Stock analysts were equally easy on Enron, despite the company's insistence on putting out financial statements that, even in Lay's words, were "opaque and difficult to understand."


Many analysts admit now that they really didn't know what was going on at the company even as they continued to recommend the stock to investors. They were rewarded for it by an ever-rising stock price that seemed to confirm their good judgment.


"It's so complicated everybody is afraid to raise their hands and say, 'I don't understand it,' " said Louis B. Gagliardi, an analyst with John S. Herold Inc. in Norwalk, Conn.


"It wasn't well understood. At the same time, it should have been. There's a burden on the analysts. . . . There's guilt to be borne all around here."


c 2001 The Washington Post Company
2001年ワシントン、ポスト カンパニー

2002/04/17 Translated by Hironobu Asukabe
2002年4月17日 翻訳 明壁浩信 

JA2DZQの英文記事 投稿者:Hiro 投稿日:2006/03/14(Tue) 20:25 No.147  
fugu2.gif2001年7月ハムネット載ったにJA2DZQのHFモービル英文記事(以前に掲載しましたが再度お知らせします) http://www.eham.net/articles/2039

Why Mobile DXing?
Tony (EA2AIJ) on July 9, 2001
View comments about this article!
Many people may think mobile Dxing is just for those who cannot put up any antennas at home. Although this may hold true in some cases, it is also true that there are many other hams that just like to go mobile Dxing. In fact, many of them may even have excellent set-ups at home but still enjoy climbing up the mountain with their mobile rig. You may wonder why. Well, the answer is quite simple. They enjoy the pleasure of Dxing surrounded by magnificent landscape, they enjoy the challenge of breaking a pile-up with a mobile whip and some of them even enjoy the pleasures of driving while working a new country on HF. Working from the home QTH may be more comfortable - specially in the Winter time - but there is certainly more to mobile Dxing than meets the eye. It exerts an irresistible attraction that is very difficult to get rid of once it traps you.

Working from the mobile will always allow you to choose the operating spot. It is interesting to change locations and compare the results. Location does make a difference. This is one of the great advantages mobile DX-ing has to offer.

It is just challenging to see how far your mobile antenna can reach, and even more it is to make a mobile to mobile contact with a very far off station. It is true that most of the contacts I made into Japan were made with stations running very big antennas and power. However, it is also possible to make a mobile to mobile contact as long as conditions allow. I will always remember the one and only contact of this type I have made. The call sign of the station was JA2DZQ/M and his QSL card stands proud in my album.

When it comes to breaking a pile up, we have to admit that it takes time and patience to make it, but eventually experience tells me it can be done. I have worked very interesting DX stations from the mobile. You just have to wait for your chance if you want to achieve your objective. Waiting for the right moment is certainly the key.

Of course, there is more to mobile radio than just DX contacts. Rag chewing can also be very entertaining, specially if the operator on the other side is also running a mobile station. It is always enjoyable to exchange ideas about the mobile set up. We can always learn something from other operators.

If you still do not know how it feels to operate from your mobile just try this new experience that you are sure to enjoy.

Japan's Inflation Rate 投稿者:Hiro 投稿日:2006/03/03(Fri) 16:35 No.145  
jouro2.gifJapan's Inflation Rate Quickens, Aiding Policy Change (Update6)
March 3 (Bloomberg) -- Japan's consumer prices rose at the fastest pace in eight years in January, giving the central bank room to end its deflation-fighting policy as soon as next week.

Core prices, which exclude fresh food, climbed 0.5 percent from a year earlier after 0.1 percent gains in the previous two months, the statistics bureau said today. The yen fell, eroding gains this week, on concern policy changes won't come fast enough to close the interest-rate gap with the U.S. and Europe.

The inflation report may persuade the Bank of Japan to reduce the cash it pumps into the economy at its next policy meeting on March 9, a precursor to lifting interest rates from near zero. Finance Minister Sadakazu Tanigaki called for restraint to prevent a relapse in deflation, which discouraged bank lending and investment in the world's second-largest economy for the past seven years.

``The chance for a policy change next week has now risen to close to 100 percent,'' said Seiji Shiraishi, chief market economist at Daiwa Securities SMBC Co. ``The Bank of Japan started flagging a while ago a policy shift.''

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi said today in Tokyo he's starting to see signs that deflation is ending. Tanigaki said he can't conclude that deflation is beaten.

The yen dropped to 116.44 against the dollar at 1:11 p.m. in Tokyo, from 115.85 before the report was published. Accelerating inflation will erode the value of holding yen until interest rates in Japan rise. The Federal Reserve on Jan. 31 raised the main U.S. interest rate to 4.5 percent and suggested a run of increases isn't finished.

Wage Growth

A separate report today showed wages in Japan rose for a fifth month in January, the longest expansion since 1997. Spending by households fell 1.5 percent from December and the jobless rate rose to 4.5 percent from 4.4 percent.

Japan's government, the world's largest public debtor, has urged the central bank to avoid making abrupt changes to its policy to prevent a surge in bond yields that would increase interest payments and stifle economic growth.

The yield on the 1.6 percent bond due in March 2016 auctioned yesterday was unchanged at 1.655 percent.

The central bank's first policy adjustment would be to cut the amount of cash it provides to lenders, from between 30 trillion yen ($258 billion) and 35 trillion yen now, Governor Toshihiko Fukui has said. The bank won't immediately raise rates after reducing funds in the banking system, he said.

Policy Conditions

The Bank of Japan has vowed not to change its five-year-old policy until core prices stop falling for at least a few months and policy makers are sure they won't resume sliding. It also needs to be confident about the overall strength of the economy.

``The Bank of Japan's preconditions'' for changing its policy have been met, said Glenn Maguire, chief Asia-Pacific economist at Societe Generale SA in Hong Kong. Maguire predicts policy makers will cut the amount of cash pumped into the economy by about 5 trillion yen, at next week's meeting.

Core prices in Tokyo, home to one in 10 Japanese, rose 0.2 percent in February, which show prices a month later than the national report, the first back-to-back gain since August 1998.

Excluding energy and food, Japan's nationwide consumer prices rose 0.1 percent in January, the statistics bureau said. This gauge of prices is widely used in the U.S. and Europe to measure inflation.

The core consumer price gain exceeded the 0.4 percent median forecast of 33 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News. Core price gains accelerated in January mainly because the effects of a cut in phone charges from January 2005 eased, and because gains in crude oil prices lifted the costs of gasoline, kerosene and other fuel products, the statistics bureau said today.

Economic Growth

Japan's economy will probably grow for a seventh straight year in 2006 and at its fastest pace since 1991, a survey of 16 economists showed.

``Japan's core consumer prices will continue to be pushed up by similar factors in February and March, and their increases are not likely to slow from April onwards,'' because the economy will keep expanding, said Hiroaki Muto, a senior economist at Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Management Co. in Tokyo.

The central bank's policy makers will meet again on April 10-11 and April 28.

To contact the reporter on this story:
Mayumi Otsuma in Tokyo at motsuma@bloomberg.net

Last Updated: March 2, 2006 23:39 EST

Hiroの注釈 Hiro - 2006/03/03(Fri) 17:43 No.146  

hana14.gifBloombergの東京からのレポートですがMayumi Otsumaさんが書いた様子です。経済用語が出てきます。
eroding gains this week:今週の値上がり分を食いつぶす a precursor to:〜の前触れ
a relapse in deflation:デフレーションの再発 stifle economic growth:経済成長を苦しめる
flagging a while ago a policy shift:少し前に政策の変換を旗揚げしています
interest rate:利子 bond yields:国債利回り home to one in 10 Japanese:1/10の家庭
the first back-to-back gain since August 1998:1998年8月以来初めての連続の増加

Japanese eels to go 投稿者:Hiro 投稿日:2006/02/25(Sat) 21:24 No.143  
iruka.gif23 February 2006
Japanese eels to go


The reproductive cycle of Japanese anguillid eels involves a remarkable journey. The eel's spawning area has now been located with pinpoint accuracy to a spot around a seamount in the Philippine Sea, thousands of kilometres away from their freshwater rivers. The precise positioning of this zone contrasts to the much larger swathe of the Sargasso Sea that attracts European and American anguillid eels, and may have developed in order to place the eel's tiny larvae into the ocean currents that take them to their growth habitat in east Asia. These eels are a popular delicacy in Japan and in the 1990s their population collapsed in the face of growing demand. Better knowledge of the hitherto mysterious spawning patterns of these eels may help in their conservation.

注釈 Hiro - 2006/02/25(Sat) 22:35 No.144  

nasi.gifanguillid eels:日本うなぎ(Anguilla japonica)アンギラ ジャポニカ http://www.unagi.jp/maker/process/unagi.html参照  spawning area:産卵場所 
pinpoint accuracy to a spot around a seamount in the Philippine Sea:フィリピン海の海山のあたりのピンポイント精度で
The precise positioning of this zone:細密な海域の位置特定
swathe of the Sargasso Sea :サルガッソー海:北大西洋, 西インド諸島北西方の一面海藻でおおわれた海域の一帯
tiny larvae:小さい仔魚( しぎょ)

TOEIC単語力26位! 投稿者:Hiro 投稿日:2006/01/24(Tue) 14:43 No.140  
asukadjjで登録しています一度ごらん下さい! http://www.tangoriki.com/index.php
ランキング表 http://www.tangoriki.com/dhc/rank.php?start=1
TOEICスコア  単語力
300       350
400       400
500       450
600       500
700       600
800       700
900       800

18位過去最高位! Hiro - 2006/01/27(Fri) 22:14 No.141  

asukadjjで登録しています一度ごらん下さい! http://www.tangoriki.com/index.php
ランキング表 http://www.tangoriki.com/dhc/rank.php?start=1
TOEICスコア  単語力
300       350
400       400
500       450
600       500
700       600
800       700
900       800

TOEIC単語力16位! Hiro - 2006/01/28(Sat) 11:39 No.142  

asukadjjで登録しています一度ごらん下さい! http://www.tangoriki.com/index.php
ランキング表 http://www.tangoriki.com/dhc/rank.php?start=1
TOEICスコア  単語力
300       350
400       400
500       450
600       500
700       600
800       700
900       800

Tokyo Stock Exchange  投稿者:Hiro 投稿日:2006/01/19(Thu) 11:14 No.137  
cat2.gifTokyo Stock Exchange Reopens After Selling Panic

Published: January 18, 2006
TOKYO, Jan 19 - Japanese stocks are expected to recover on Thursday as investors pick up leading firms such as Toyota Motor Corp., with confidence gradually returning after sharp falls and a market closure the previous day.

But concerns about system capacity at the Tokyo Stock Exchange will continue to weigh. The exchange will shorten afternoon trading by 30 minutes from Thursday for the time being, in order to avoid computer system trouble.

Afternoon trade will began at 1 p.m. (0400 GMT) instead of the usual 12:30 p.m. and will finish at 3 p.m.

On Wednesday a flood of transactions in a stampede of selling forced the world's second-largest exchange to halt trade 20 minutes earlier than usual to avoid swamping its order processing systems.

"After a weak start to the day, I expect that shares will eventually bottom out ... The Nikkei and the TOPIX index have both fallen around 7 percent, so I think investors are starting to think that some stock prices look reasonable," Hiroichi Nishi, general manager of equity marketing at Nikko Cordial Securities.

"Because Japanese fundamentals are strong, shares in the country's leading companies are starting to look attractive."

The Nikkei has lost 6.8 percent so far this week. The market's drop has wiped out more than $300 billion in shareholder value -- about equal to the gross domestic product of Sweden.

Traders expect the Nikkei to move between 15,200 and 15,500 on Thursday.

It posted its biggest one-day percentage fall since last April on Wednesday, declining 2.94 percent to 15,341.18.

In Chicago, Nikkei futures expiring in March closed at 15,350, a gain of 20 points from the Osaka finish.


*注釈 * Hiro - 2006/01/19(Thu) 11:30 No.138  

nasi.gifThe NewYork Times HP引用のREUTERS記事ですが、昨日取り上げたIHI(International Herald Tribune)

Livedoor 投稿者:Hiro 投稿日:2006/01/18(Wed) 18:46 No.135  
usagi2.gif Rush to sell shuts down Tokyo exchange


TOKYO A stampede of sell orders forced the shut-down of the world's second-biggest stock exchange on Wednesday as investors fled the Tokyo market, spooked by fall-out from an investigation into Internet company Livedoor.

The Tokyo Stock Exchange, where shares were down more than four percent at one point, suspended trading 20 minutes before the normal closing time after the number of trades threatened to exceed its computer system's capacity of 4.5 million per day.

It the first time that the exchange was forced to halt trading as a result of capacity constraints since it opened its doors in its current incarnation in 1949.

Livedoor, a favourite of small investors, was raided by prosecutors on Monday. The firm is suspected of fudging financial reports and spreading false information to boost its share price.

News of the raid extended a sell-off that has wiped out more than $300 billion in shareholder value -- about equal to the gross domestic product of Sweden -- in just three days.

''The current situation is totally unexpected. My guess is that Livedoor's investigation news spooked individual investors and prompted them to sell broad-based stocks,'' Tokyo Stock Exchange President Taizo Nishimuro told a news conference.

The exchange has been hit by a series of recent system problems, including a glitch that halted trading for almost a full day late last year.

Wednesday's shut-down dealt another blow to the image of the exchange, which has plans to list its own shares.

''It is an embarrassment for this to happen in the world's second-largest economy and that's the emotional aspect of the debate,'' said Hideo Ueki, chief investment officer at UBS Global Asset Management Japan.

''But this problem will likely add to the growing negative sentiment in the market. I'm pretty sure the NYSE has only had to shut down for snow or a black-out.''

Nishimuro said that the bourse, which had already planned to increase capacity to 5 million shares on Jan. 30, would consider shortening trading hours on Thursday and beyond if necessary.

The number of transactions had reached about 4 million by 0525 GMT (2:25 p.m.), just before trade was halted.

News that the exchange was considering a shut-down accelerated selling across the board, pushing down the Nikkei share average by more than four percent to as low as 15,059.52.

The Nikkei clawed back to finish down 2.94 percent at 15,341.18 but that was still its biggest one-day fall since April 18, 2005, when it fell 3.8 percent. The broader TOPIX index fell 3.49 percent to close at 1,574.67.

Weaker-than-expected earnings by U.S. chipmaker Intel Corp. also weighed on the market.

The share-price tumble also hit the yen, which fell to a day's low of 115.88 yen to the dollar, before recovering to around 115.60.

''The problem has caused a selling climax. Everyone is throwing in sell orders, said Ken Masuda, a senior dealer at Shinko Securities shortly before trade was halted.

''Even after five minutes, orders aren't going through. This is ridiculous.''

Investigators from the Tokyo District Prosecutors' office and the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission raided the Tokyo headquarters of Livedoor late on Monday on suspicion that the company had spread false information to investors.

Newspaper reports on Wednesday said the company was also suspected of tampering with its financial reports.

The investigation has scared off individual investors, who were a major factor in the Nikkei's 40 percent rise last year. Only last Friday, the Nikkei hit a five-year closing high.

Individual investors now account for about 40 percent of all trades on the Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya stock exchanges, up from 30 percent last year.

The Livedoor affair also cast a cloud over the aggressive acquisition strategy and money deals practiced by the firm's maverick CEO, Takafumi Horie, and sparked some concern about damage to Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's reform agenda.

Horie, 33, ran unsuccessfully for parliament's lower house as a ruling party candidate last September and Koizumi's right-hand man on economic reforms, Internal Affairs Minister Heizo Takenaka, campaigned for him.

Analysts and some investors themselves said, however, that individuals would resume buying once the Livedoor fuss settled down, given Japan's recovering economy and corporate earnings.

''The past two days have been a warning to the market that things have gone too far and that things have started to look like a bubble,'' said Masayasu Higuchi, 77, who works for a fishing equipment maker, after selling some shares at a packed day-trading centre in the Kayabacho, Tokyo's Wall Street.

''I will wait for the market to settle and when the time is right I want to invest again,'' he added.


注釈例 Hiro - 2006/01/18(Wed) 20:53 No.136  

hiro.jpgA stampede of sell orders売り注文での総崩れ
spooked by fall-out 落後するのを恐れて
threatened to exceed its computer system's capacity of 4.5 million per day
in its current incarnation in 1949 1949年、現在の形態がとられて以来
fudging financial reports and spreading false information 経理報告の粉飾とか間違った風評を流す
the gross domestic product of Sweden -- in just three days 3日間でスエーデンのGDP(国民総生産)
to sell broad-based stocks 広範囲の株式を売る
the emotional aspect of the debate 感情的な面での論議
The Nikkei clawed back to finish down 2.94 percent at 15,341.18
Tokyo District Prosecutors' office and the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission
tampering with its financial reports 経理報告をいじくる
Individual investors now account for about 40 percent of all trades
the aggressive acquisition strategy and money deals practiced by the firm's maverick CEO


U.S. Airstrike  投稿者:Hiro 投稿日:2006/01/14(Sat) 20:38 No.130  
gonta.gifU.S. Airstrike Targeted al-Qaida Hideout
By RIAZ KHAN, Associated Press Writer
32 minutes ago

DAMADOLA, Pakistan - An airstrike on a Pakistani village near the Afghan border targeted Osama bin Laden's right-hand man, Pakistani officials said Saturday.

They said efforts were under way to determine if the elusive Ayman al-Zawahri or any other terror suspects were among at least 17 people killed.

Citing unnamed American intelligence officials, U.S. networks reported that a CIA-operated Predator drone aircraft carried out the missile strike in the Bajur tribal region of northwestern Pakistan.
An AP reporter who visited the scene in Damadola village about 12 hours later saw three destroyed houses, hundreds of yards apart. Villagers, who denied sheltering al-Qaida or Taliban leaders, recounted hearing aircraft overhead moments before the attack. By their count at least 30 people died, including women and children.

On Saturday, more than 8,000 tribesmen staged a peaceful protest in a nearby town to condemn the airstrike, which one speaker described as "open terrorism."
There was no confirmation from either Islamabad or Washington on the reports, but a senior Pakistani official told The Associated Press there was a "50-50 chance that some al-Qaida personality" was at one of the homes hit and that he had heard it could be al-Zawahri. He expected more information later Saturday.

ABC quoted anonymous Pakistani military sources as saying five top al-Qaida officials were believed killed. U.S. and Pakistani officials told NBC news that as many as 10 missiles were fired at the village, 125 miles northwest of the capital Islamabad.

A senior Pakistani intelligence official told AP the remains of some bodies had "quickly been removed" from Damadola after the strike and DNA tests were being conducted, but would not say by whom. Like the senior government official, he spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to media.

The intelligence official said that the CIA had told Pakistani agents that they had targeted al-Zawahri in the attack but it remained to be seen if he'd been in the village at the time. The official added that hours before the strike some unidentified guests had arrived at the home of one man named Shah Zaman.

Zaman, whose home was destroyed, told AP he was a laborer and had no ties to militants. He was not hurt but said three of his children were killed.

A local lawmaker who visited Damadola soon after the attack said no foreigners were among the dead, asserting no body was burned beyond recognition.
Sahibzada Haroon ur Rashid said the victims were a family of jewelers. "They have been living here for centuries. They are 100 percent local people," he said.

The spokesman for President Gen. Pervez Musharraf, a key ally in the U.S.-led war on terrorism, only said the explosions in the village were under investigation.

"I am not in a position to say yes or no," Maj. Gen. Shaukat Sultan told AP. "We know that media is reporting it, but we have no such information, or any details. We are still investigating this matter."

In Washington, Pentagon, State Department, National Security Council and intelligence officials all said they had no information on the reports concerning al-Zawahri.

In Afghanistan, U.S. military spokesman Lt. Mike Cody referred questions on the matter to the Pentagon. The U.S. Embassy in Pakistan referred questions to the Pakistan government.

Doctors told AP that at least 17 people died in the attack on Damadola, a Pashtun tribal hamlet on a hillside about four miles from the Afghan border.
But at one destroyed house, Sami Ullah, a 17-year-old student, said he alone lost 24 of his relatives.
Five women were weeping nearby, cursing the attackers.
"My entire family was killed, and I don't know whom should I blame for it," Ullah said. "I only seek justice from God."

Zaman said he heard planes at around 2:40 a.m. and then eight explosions. Speaking as he dug through the rubble of his home, he said planes had been flying over the village for the last three or four days.

"I ran out and saw planes were dropping bombs," said Zaman, 40, who lost two sons and a daughter. "I saw my home being hit."

"I don't know who carried out this attack and why. We were needlessly attacked. We are law-abiding people," he said.

The attack was the latest in a series of strikes on the Pakistan side of the border with Afghanistan, unexplained by authorities but widely suspected to have targeted terror suspects or Islamic militants.

In Afghanistan, Mohammed Hasan, deputy police chief of Kunar province, which is opposite Bajur, said U.S. forces had for weeks been patrolling in airplanes along the rugged border.
Pakistan says it does not allow Afghan or the 20,000 U.S. forces in Afghanistan to cross the border in pursuit of Taliban and al-Qaida believed to be hiding there. The war on terror is opposed by many in this Islamic nation of 150 million people. 1億5千万人
On Monday Pakistan lodged a protest with the U.S. military in Afghanistan after a reported U.S. airstrike killed eight people in the North Waziristan tribal region last Saturday.
Al-Zawahri, who has a $25 million dollar U.S. bounty on his head, has appeared regularly over the Internet and in Arab media, encouraging Muslims to attack Americans and U.S. interests worldwide.
Like bin Laden, his where abouts had been unknown since the U.S. military campaign in Afghanistan began following the terror attacks on New York and Washington on Sept. 11, 2001, which killed nearly 3,000 people.

Eds: Associated Press writers Munir Ahmad and Matthew Pennington in Islamabad contributed to this report.

New Year Resolutions 投稿者:Hiro 投稿日:2006/01/09(Mon) 14:13 No.124  
dog8.gifNew Year Resolution of Albert Sussuler
I have lot of new resolutions this year too!
here are mine...

Wishing you a
Happy New year,
Year of the Dog
It is not so much the dog in the fight,
but the fight in the dog.

Every year I pick a key word, For this year:
to shine intense light on a subject, to bring it into focus,
to see it clearly

Ten Resolutions
1. Giving Light to my ideas.
keep sketching, recording ideas and showing.
2. Spread warmth to others
in that way I also warm myself.
3. Exercise to keep my body and spirit strong.
Kendo, canoe and walking.
4. Political cartoons, illustrations
creating two or more a month.
5. Exhibitions
one in Connecticut, one in Nagoya and for future.
6. Improve my space
7. Five new places, five new experiences
8. Response to mail within a few days
9. Open five new doors
10. Think and act in good timing.
hesitating looses momentum.
Do you have a word for this year?
or my first day of the year I went canoeing in front of my
neighborhood this morning.
It was unusual to have no wind on the first day.
Actually the first time.
The water is so clear these days. You can see right to the bottom.
Thanks for coming to my Exhibition.
I hope my work could give you warmth.
Best wishes for smooth paddling

Descended from 投稿者:Hiro 投稿日:2006/01/08(Sun) 16:20 No.122  
gorira.gifAre We Descended from Cannibals?
By Micheal Balter
ScienceNOW Daily News
6 January 2006

Few taboos are stronger than cannibalism. It's no surprise then that a study published 2 years ago created quite a stir by claiming that modern humans harbor a genetic signature suggesting our ancestors engaged heavily in the practice. A new study, however, questions these findings, concluding that the original analysis was in error.
In the first study, published in Science (25 April 2003, p. 640), a team led by John Collinge of University College London (UCL), looked at a human gene called PRNP which codes for prions (ScienceNOW, 10 April 2003). These misfolded proteins are thought to be responsible for several neurodegenerative diseases including Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease (CJD) and kuru. Individuals with certain variations in this gene are more resistant to the diseases.

When the team looked at the chromosomes of more than 1000 people from populations around the world, they concluded that the prevalence of two of these variations was due to an evolutionary balancing act that had kept them in the gene pool for as long as 500,000 years. The researchers hypothesized that this "balancing selection" was due to widespread cannibalistic practices that had made early humans susceptible to prion diseases.

Now a second team has tackled the same question and come up with a much different result. Geneticist Jaume Bertranpetit and his coworkers at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain, completely sequenced the chromosomes of 174 people from around the world. In contrast with the Collinge team, which analyzed only those variations present in 5% or more of the population, the Barcelona team included all 22 known PRNP variations in their study no matter how low their frequencies. As they report in this month's issue of Genome Research, the results were not consistent with balancing selection over the last half million years of human evolution but more likely due to as yet unknown selective pressures. The Collinge team's results, Bertranpetit and his coworkers argue, had been statistically skewed because its study left low frequency variations out of the analysis, an error known as "ascertainment bias."

"I think that this paper clearly rejects the model of selection" posited by Collinge's team, says University of Chicago human geneticist Anna Di Rienzo. The original authors, however, are sticking to their guns. Lead author and prion researcher Simon Mead of UCL argues that his paper's conclusions were based on several different lines of evidence that trump criticisms of ascertainment bias. Nevertheless, Mead says, the team will now try to figure out why there is a discrepancy between the two papers.

Japan's humanoid 投稿者:Hiro 投稿日:2005/12/26(Mon) 18:29 No.117  
shishimai.gifインターネットに載ったThe Economistの記事です。
Japan's humanoid robots
Better than people
Dec 20th 2005 | TOKYO
From The Economist print edition

Why the Japanese want their robots to act more like humans
HER name is MARIE, and her impressive set of skills comes in handy in a nursing home.
MARIE can walk around under her own power. She can distinguish among similar-looking objects, such as different bottles of medicine, and has a delicate enough touch to work with frail patients.
MARIE can interpret a range of facial expressions and gestures, and respond in ways that suggest compassion.
Although her language skills are not ideal, she can recognise speech and respond clearly.
Above all, she is inexpensive . Unfortunately for MARIE, however, she has one glaring trait that makes it hard for Japanese patients to accept her: she is a flesh-and-blood human being from the Philippines. If only she were a robot instead.
Robots, you see, are wonderful creatures, as many a Japanese will tell you.
They are getting more adept all the time, and before too long will be able to do cheaply and easily many tasks that human workers do now.
They will care for the sick, collect the rubbish, guard homes and offices, and give directions on the street.
This is great news in Japan, where the population has peaked, and may have begun shrinking in 2005.
With too few young workers supporting an ageing population, somebody or something needs to fill the gap, especially since many of Japan's young people will be needed in science, business and other creative or knowledge-intensive jobs.
Many workers from low-wage countries are eager to work in Japan. The Philippines, for example, has over 350,000 trained nurses, and has been pleading with Japan which accepts only a token few to let more in.
Foreign pundits keep telling Japan to do itself a favour and make better use of cheap imported labour.
But the consensus among Japanese is that visions of a future in which immigrant workers live harmoniously and unobtrusively in Japan are pure fancy. Making humanoid robots is clearly the simple and practical way to go.
Japan certainly has the technology. It is already the world leader in making industrial robots, which look nothing like pets or people but increasingly do much of the work in its factories.
Japan is also racing far ahead of other countries in developing robots with more human features, or that can interact more easily with people.
A government report released this May estimated that the market for “service robots” will reach \1.1 trillion ($10 billion) within a decade.
The country showed off its newest robots at a world exposition this summer in Aichi prefecture. More than 22m visitors came, 95% of them Japanese.
The robots stole the show, from the nanny robot that babysits to a Toyota that plays a trumpet.
And Japan's robots do not confine their talents to controlled environments.
As they gain skills and confidences, robots such as Sony's QRIO (pronounced “curio”) and Honda's ASIMO are venturing to unlikely places.
They have attended factory openings, greeted foreign leaders, and rung the opening bell on the New York Stock Exchange. ASIMO can even take the stage to accept awards.
The friendly face of technology
So Japan will need workers, and it is learning how to make robots that can do many of their jobs. But the country's keen interest in robots may also reflect something else: it seems that plenty of Japanese really like dealing with robots.
Few Japanese have the fear of robots that seems to haunt westerners in seminars and Hollywood films. In western popular culture, robots are often a threat, either because they are manipulated by sinister forces or because something goes horribly wrong with them. By contrast, most Japanese view robots as friendly and benign. Robots like people, and can do good.
The Japanese are well aware of this cultural divide, and commentators devote lots of attention to explaining it. The two most favoured theories, which are assumed to are assumed to reinforce each other, involve religion and popular culture.
Most Japanese take an eclectic approach to religious beliefs, and the native religion, Shintoism, is infused with animism: it does not make clear distinctions between inanimate things and organic beings.
A popular Japanese theory about robots, therefore, is that there is no need to explain why Japanese are fond of them: what needs explaining, rather, is why westerners allow their Christian hang-ups to get in the way of a good technology.
When Honda started making real progress with its humanoid-robot project, it consulted the Vatican on whether westerners would object to a robot made in man's image.
Japanese popular culture has also consistently portrayed robots in a positive light, ever since Japan created its first famous cartoon robot, Tetsuwan Atomu, in 1951. Its name in Japanese refers to its atomic heart.
Putting a nuclear core into a cartoon robot less than a decade after Hiroshima and Nagasaki might seem an odd way to endear people to the new character. But Tetsuwan Atom being a robot, rather than a human was able to use the technology for good.
Over the past half century, scores of other Japanese cartoons and films have featured benign robots that work with humans, in some cases even blending with them. One of the latest is a film called “Hinokio”, in which a reclusive boy sends a robot to school on his behalf and uses virtual-reality technology to interact with classmates.
Among the broad Japanese public, it is a short leap to hope that real-world robots will soon be able to pursue good causes, whether helping to detect landmines in war-zones or finding and rescuing victims of disasters.
The prevailing view in Japan is that the country is lucky to be uninhibited by robophobia. With fewer of the complexes that trouble many westerners, so the theory goes, Japan is free to make use of a great new tool, just when its needs and abilities are happily about to converge.
”Of all the nations involved in such research,” the Japan Times wrote in a 2004 editorial, “Japan is the most inclined to approach it in a spirit of fun.”
These sanguine explanations, however, may capture only part of the story. Although they are at ease with robots, many Japanese are not as comfortable around other people. That is especially true of foreigners. Immigrants cannot be programmed as robots can.
You never know when they will do something spontaneous, ask an awkward question, or use the wrong honorific in conversation. But, even leaving foreigners out of it, being Japanese, and having always to watch what you say and do around others, is no picnic.
It is no surprise, therefore, that Japanese researchers are forging ahead with research on human interfaces. For many jobs, after all, lifelike features are superfluous.
A robotic arm can gently help to lift and reposition hospital patients without being attached to a humanoid form.The same goes for robotic spoons that make it easier for the infirm to feed themselves, power suits that help lift heavy grocery bags, and a variety of machines that watch the house, vacuum the carpet and so on.
Yet the demand for better robots in Japan goes far beyond such functionality. Many Japanese seem to like robot versions of living creatures precisely because they are different from the real thing.
An obvious example is AIBO, the robotic dog that Sony began selling in 1999. The bulk of its sales have been in Japan, and the company says there is a big difference between Japanese and American consumers. American AIBO buyers tend to be computer geeks who want to hack the robotic dog's programming and delve in its innards. Most Japanese consumers, by contrast, like AIBO because it is a clean, safe and predictable pet.
AIBO is just a fake dog. As the country gets better at building interactive robots, their advantages for Japanese users will multiply. Hiroshi Ishiguro, a robotocist at Osaka University, cites the example of asking directions. In Japan, says Mr Ishiguro, people are even more reluctant than in other places to approach a stranger. Building robotic traffic police and guides will make it easier for people to overcome their diffidence.
Karl MacDorman, another researcher at Osaka, sees similar social forces at work. Interacting with other people can be difficult for the Japanese, he says, “because they always have to think about what the other person is feeling, and how what they say will affect the other person.” But it is impossible to embarrass a robot, or be embarrassed, by saying the wrong thing.
To understand how Japanese might find robots less intimidating than people, Mr MacDorman has been investigating eye movements, using headsets that monitor where subjects are looking.
One oft-cited myth about Japanese, that they rarely make eye contact, is not really true. When answering questions put by another Japanese, Mr MacDorman's subjects made eye contact around 30% of the time.
But Japanese subjects behave intriguingly when they talk to Mr Ishiguro's android, ReplieeQ1. The android's face has been modeled on that of a famous newsreader, and sophisticated actuators allow it to mimic her facial movements.
When answering the android's questions, Mr MacDorman's Japanese subjects were much more likely to look it in the eye than they were a real person.
Mr MacDorman wants to do more tests, but he surmises that the discomfort many Japanese feel when dealing with other people has something to do with his results, and that they are much more at ease when talking to an android.
Eventually, interactive robots are going to become more common, not just in Japan but in other rich countries as well.
As children and the elderly begin spending time with them, they are likely to develop emotional reactions to such lifelike machines. That is human nature. Upon meeting Sony's QRIO, your correspondent promptly referred to it as “him” three times, despite trying to remember that it is just a battery-operated device.
What seems to set Japan apart from other countries is that few Japanese are all that worried about the effects that hordes of robots might have on its citizens.
Nobody seems prepared to ask awkward questions about how it might turn out. If this bold social experiment produces lots of isolated people, there will of course be an outlet for their loneliness:
they can confide in their robot pets and partners. Only in Japan could this be thought less risky than having a compassionate Filipina drop by for a chat.

おわり 翻訳 明壁浩信

Einstein and Newton  投稿者:HIro 投稿日:2005/12/26(Mon) 12:24 No.114  
pig2.gifEinstein and Newton shared rare uniqueness

In December 1922, Albert Einstein and his wife traveled to Kyoto and Nara. Having just been named as recipient of that year's Nobel Physics Prize, he was also welcomed warmly in Tokyo, Sendai and Nagoya. A photograph taken
at the time shows Einstein at a reception hosted in his honor by the Imperial Academy at the Koishikawa Botanical Garden in Tokyo.
In 1964, the botanical garden received an apple sapling from Britain. The sapling had been grafted from the very apple tree under which Isaac Newton was said to have discovered the law of gravity when an apple fell from
it. The arrival of the sapling marked the symbolic joining of two giants of science at the Koishikawa Botanical Garden.
To mark the centenary this year of Einstein's theory of relativity, the Royal Society of Britain polled its
members and the public to ask which of the two famous scientists they thought had contributed more to science and humanity.
Newton collected considerably more votes than Einstein in terms of contribution to science. Yet with respect to contribution to humanity, about 60 percent of the scientists picked Newton, and the vote was split evenly among the general public.
In 2000, The Asahi Shimbun asked its readers to name great Japanese scientists of the last millennium.
Perhaps in the belief that there is no national boundary in science, some readers also named non-Japanese scientists. Among the latter, Einstein came out first, and Newton placed fifth.
Einstein reportedly had a portrait of Newton in his study.
In "Ainshutain Gekijo" (Einstein theater) published by Seidosha, author Tsutomu Kaneko quotes Einstein as saying something to the effect, "For Newton, nature was an open book that he read easily."
As I stood beside it on Dec. 16, the branches of the apple tree at the Koishikawa Botanical Garden stretched toward the winter sky as I pondered these two great scientists who had "read" nature with completely unique eyes.
--The Asahi Shimbun, Dec. 17(IHT/Asahi: December 26,2005)

S. Korea stem-cell  投稿者:HIro 投稿日:2005/12/24(Sat) 19:38 No.111  
dog9.gifSEOUL, South Korea AP- South Korean researcher Hwang Woo-suk resigned from his university on Friday after the school said he fabricated stem-cell research that had raised hopes of new cures for hard-to-treat diseases.
A university panel, releasing initial findings of a probe, accused Hwang of damaging the scientific community with his deception, while South Korea’s government rued the scandal surrounding the country’s star scientist and said it may pull its funding for his research.
"I sincerely apologize to the people for creating a shock and disappointment,” Hwang told reporters as he was leaving his office at Seoul National University, considered the country’s top institution of higher learning.
"With an apologetic heart ... I step down as professor,” he said.
However, Hwang still maintained that he had produced the technology to create patient-matched stem cells as he claimed in a May article in the journal Science.
“I emphasize that patient-specific stem cells belong to South Korea and you are going to see this,” said Hwang, a veterinarian.
Earlier Friday, a panel of Seoul National University experts said Hwang had faked results of at least nine of 11 stem cell lines he claimed to have created in the May paper the first confirmation of allegations that have cast a shadow over all his purported breakthroughs in cloning and stem-cell technology.
“This kind of error is a grave act that damages the foundation of science,” the panel said.
The South Korean government, which had strongly supported Hwang and designated him the country’s first “top scientist,” said Friday it was “miserable” over the reported results of the investigation and will start its own probe over ethics breaches.
Choi Seong-sik, vice minister of science and technology, said it’s impossible to recover money already spent for Hwang, a total $39.9 million for research and facilities since 1998. But his ministry, which admitted errors in its handling of Hwang’s projects, will look at ending other funding and withdraw the “top scientist” designation.
Still, the government said it would support other similar research.
The university panel said Friday it found that “the laboratory data for 11 stem cell lines that were reported in the 2005 paper were all data made using two stem cell lines in total.”
To create fake DNA results purporting to show a match, Hwang’s team split cells from one patient into two test tubes for the analysis rather than actually match cloned cells to a patient’s original cells, the university said.
“Based on these facts, the data in the 2005 Science paper cannot be some error from a simple mistake, but can only be seen as a deliberate fabrication to make it look like 11 stem-cell lines using results from just two,” the panel said.
“There is no way but that Professor Hwang has been involved,” the university’s dean of research affairs, Roe Jung-hye told a news conference. Hwang “somewhat admits to this,” he added
The panel said DNA tests expected to be completed within a few days would confirm whether the remaining two stem-cell lines it had found were actually successfully cloned from a patient.
The earlier claims of patient-matched stem cells were seen by scientists worldwide as a key step to creating tailored therapies for hard-to-treat diseases, such as paralysis or diabetes.
In light of the revelations, the panel said it would now also investigate Hwang’s other landmark papers which include another Science article in 2004 on the world’s first cloned human embryos, and an August 2005 paper in the journal Nature on the first-ever cloned dog an Afghan hound named Snuppy. The journals already are reviewing all the work
Professor Alan Trounson, a top stem-cell researcher at Australia’s Monash University, said the scandal showed scientists were rigorously checking one another’s results. But he predicted the fallout would also stain any other scientists linked to Hwang’s work, also saying that the South Korean’s claim to have cloned a dog was “very much in doubt now.”
“I think a lot of the community were very impressed with the cloning of a dog and it was a delightful dog but I actually don’t think it is a cloned dog now,” Trounson told The Associated Press in a telephone interview.

Re:翻訳解析  HIro - 2005/12/24(Sat) 23:04 No.112  

dog2.gif”fabricated stem-cell research ”幹細胞研究データの捏造。”hopes of new cures for hard-to-treat diseases”難病の新しい治療方法に希望抱かせる。韓国政府も”deception”ごまかしを認め助成金を引き上げを決めました。”Seoul National University”国立ソウル大学のHwang教授は記者会見で”With an apologetic heart ”大変申し訳ない気持で”教授を辞退する事を表明した。しかし、今年の5月ネチュアーに発表した”patient-matched stem cells ”患者に合致した幹細胞の育成技術を成し遂げたとの主張を撤回しなかった。”veterinarian”獣医。”at least nine of 11 stem cell lines ”少なくとも11の幹細胞関連データの内9を偽造した見られる。”the first confirmation of allegations ”初めての捏造したとの確認。”purported breakthroughs”彼のクーロン、幹細胞技術に疑いを持たせている。”designated him the country’s first “top scientist,””政府は彼を始めての最先端科学者と称していた。”ethics breaches”倫理違反。”all data made using two stem cell lines in total”全てのデータは全部で二つの幹細胞を使用して作られた。
”To create fake DNA results purporting to show a match, Hwang’s team split cells from one patient into two test tubes for the analysis rather than actually match cloned cells to a patient’s original cells, the university said.”患者に適合した偽造のDNA実験結果を作り出す為、一人の患者から二つの試験管に細胞を分け、患者本来の細胞がクーロン細胞と合致したように見せた。
“Based on these facts, the data in the 2005 Science paper cannot be some error from a simple mistake, but can only be seen as a deliberate fabrication to make it look like 11 stem-cell lines using results from just two,”
これらの真実から今年のサイエンスの論文は単なる誤りではなく二つの幹細胞から11の関連幹細胞を作り出した様に見せかける故意の作り事に見られる。”Hwang “somewhat admits to this,” Hwang氏は一部を認めている。
”The panel said DNA tests expected to be completed within a few days would confirm whether the remaining two stem-cell lines it had found were actually successfully cloned from a patient.”
”a key step to creating tailored therapies for hard-to-treat diseases, such as paralysis or diabetes.”
”In light of the revelations, the panel said it would now also investigate Hwang’s other landmark papers which include another Science article in 2004 on the world’s first cloned human embryos, and an August 2005 paper in the journal Nature on the first-ever cloned dog an Afghan hound named Snuppy”
”But he predicted the fallout would also stain any other scientists linked to Hwang’s work, also saying that the South Korean’s claim to have cloned a dog was “very much in doubt now.””

NSA's Eavesdroppings 投稿者:HIro 投稿日:2005/12/24(Sat) 18:14 No.109  
usagi.gifNYT: NSA Spying Broader Than Bush Admitted
NEW YORK - The National Security Agency has conducted much broader surveillance of e-mails and phone calls without court orders than the Bush administration has acknowledged, The New York Times reported on its Web site.
The NSA, with help from American telecommunications companies, obtained access to streams of domestic and international communications, said the Times in the report late Friday, citing unidentified current and former government officials.
The story did not name the companies.
Since the Times disclosed the domestic spying program last week, President Bush has stressed that his executive
order allowing the eavesdropping was limited to people with known links to al-Qaida.
行政命令 盗聴
But the Times said that NSA technicians have combed through large volumes of phone and Internet traffic in
search of patterns that might lead to terrorists.
The volume of information harvested from telecommunications data and voice networks, without court-approved warrants, is much larger than the White House has acknowledged, the paper said, quoting an unnamed official.
The story quoted a former technology manager at a major telecommunications firm as saying that companies have been storing information on calling patterns since the Sept. 11 attacks, and giving it to the federal
government. Neither the manager nor the company he worked for was identified.

Re: 解説 HIro - 2005/12/24(Sat) 19:00 No.110  

bells.gifNYT(ニューヨークタイムズ)のウェブサイトの記事でNSA(The National Security Agency)国家安全委員会がブッシュ政権が許可したよりも広範囲にEメールや電話の盗聴をしていた事が明らかにされています。
翻訳として”his executive order”(彼の行政命令)、”combed through ”(細かく調べる)、”harvested from ”(〜情報を得る)、”calling patterns ”(通話内容)あたりがポイントだと思います。

New Cabinet 投稿者:Hiro 投稿日:2005/11/01(Tue) 10:25 No.59   HomePage
Abe, Aso, Tanigaki gain key Cabinet positions

The Asahi Shimbun

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi appointed three of his potential successors-Shinzo Abe, Taro Aso and Sadakazu Tanigaki-to key Cabinet posts on Monday.

But former Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda, who had also been mentioned as a possible future prime minister, was left out of the loop.

Abe, former acting secretary-general of the Liberal Democratic Party, was named chief Cabinet secretary.

Aso, former minister of internal affairs and communications, was appointed foreign minister.

Tanigaki retained his post as finance minister.

Yuriko Koike also remained as environment minister.

Heizo Takenaka, former state minister in charge of economic and fiscal policy, was appointed internal affairs minister, but he will continue to hold the post of state minister in charge of postal privatization.

Koizumi also named Kuniko Inoguchi the new state minister in charge of promoting a gender-equal society. Inoguchi, a former permanent representative to the Conference on Disarmament, won her first Diet seat in the Sept. 11 Lower House election.

As for the executive positions of the LDP, Secretary-General Tsutomu Takebe retained his post, as well as General Council Chairman Fumio Kyuma.

Hidenao Nakagawa, LDP Diet Affairs Committee chairman, was named chairman of the party's Policy Research Council.

Hiroyuki Hosoda, the former Chief Cabinet Secretary, will replace Nakagawa as Diet Affairs Committee chairman.

(IHT/Asahi: October 31,2005)

New Cabinet in Japan IHI 投稿者:Hiro 投稿日:2005/10/31(Mon) 18:57 No.58  
rindou.jpg Japanese leader names new Cabinet
日本のリーダー 新閣僚を任命
The Associated Press

TOKYO Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi named a new Cabinet on Monday, putting outspoken conservative
.                                               明らかな保守派
and potential successors in top positions and retaining his economic team. Koizumi, who has said he will step down at the end of his term next September, named right-leaning Shinzo Abe as his top government spokesman, and
Public Management Minister Taro Aso as foreign minister.                 官房長官
The popular prime minister had been expected to put his favorites for next premier in leading positions.
He also was expected to favor supporters of his reform agenda, including the privatization of the postal
service.                         改革課題

''This is a Cabinet to actually implement the reforms,'' Abe, in his new position, told reporters in
announcing the list of ministers.
Koizumi's ruling Liberal Democratic Party won a landslide victory in Sept. 11 elections, but the
.                            地すべり的勝利
Cabinet reshuffling was postponed to allow parliamentary passage of the privatization bills, a Koizumi pet
project.                                            小泉首相念願の法案
The Cabinet lineup reflected the prime minister's aims: a conservative, more assertive foreign policy,
and a steady financial policy as the economy is making a firm recovery from more than a decade of sluggish
Toward that end, Koizumi retained Heizo Takenaka the main architect of the postal plan as his top economics
minister, and kept Sadakazu Tanigaki as finance minister.
Abe, deputy secretary-general of the LDP, has favored a hard line with North Korea, and has championed the
幹事長代理 北朝鮮に対して強行姿勢を貫いた            日本人拉致問題を先頭に立って擁護した
cause of Japanese citizens kidnapped by the communist regime in the 1970s and 80s.

Often named as a possible successor to Koizumi, Abe also favors visits to a Tokyo war shrine that Japan's
.                                           東京戦没者神社
neighbors consider a glorification of the country's wartime past.
Another conservative, Aso was formerly Koizumi's top policy planning chief and has previously served in the
Cabinet as economy minister. A grandson of the late Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida, Aso is also considered
a possible Koizumi successor. 故吉田首相の孫

TOEIC単語テスト 投稿者:Hiro 投稿日:2005/10/23(Sun) 21:38 No.55   HomePage

翻訳ツール 投稿者:Hiro 投稿日:2005/10/15(Sat) 14:49 No.52   HomePage
bui.gif翻訳ツールを拡充しました!The Wall Street JournalとThe Economistを追加しました。カテゴリーに応じてご利用下さい!

TOEIC単語力テスト再挑戦 投稿者:Hiro 投稿日:2005/07/17(Sun) 20:01 No.42   HomePage

albert sussler's BBS 投稿者:Hiro 投稿日:2005/06/11(Sat) 23:12 No.25  
zou.gifI made "Albert Sussler's BBS" today so you can contact native Americn from this URL http://www16.ocn.ne.jp/~bert37/
I hope you can try your English abilities by yourself!

暗証キーの使い方 投稿者:Hiro 投稿日:2005/06/05(Sun) 19:16 No.13  

ASUKA-BBS(掲示板)開設 投稿者:Hiro 投稿日:2005/06/05(Sun) 18:31 No.10  

返信の使い方について Hiro - 2005/06/05(Sun) 18:49 No.11  


どれ位の投稿が可能か? Hiro - 2005/06/05(Sun) 19:05 No.12  
